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How to make love last with synchronised farting

Cartoon image of couple kissing to show how to make love last

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“The family that prays together stays together.” That’s what preachers used to say. Today that promise has been rewritten to exploit the benefits of mutual farting in helping couples make love last a little bit longer.

“Couples that fart together, stay together,” says the counsellor. This sage advice is based on simple logic. When there are just two of you in the room, there’s nowhere to hide if only one is farting. If blowing off can be synchronised, one fart cancels out the other and the couple can continue in a harmonious relationship.

Sadly, the day will inevitably come when dietary indiscretions (beer and curry, for example) will lead to farts getting mismatched and one or other partner will stand exposed as a stinker. Love then goes out of the window leaving both parties banished from their illusory aromatic paradise. However, neither one should be too dismayed for as it says in the good book, “And this too shall pass” [until the next time].

Published inFlatulistings